NPS Software for customer obsessed teams.

Turn Customer Feedback into Your Superpower. Discover Key Insights, Reduce Churn, and Drive Growth with Sondar’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) Software.
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You are in good company

Sondar has been pivotal to Coinjar's NPS program. Personalized surveys have boosted response rates far beyond what we experienced with other NPS tools. We couldn’t be happier with the results!

Dominic Gluchowski

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Top Reasons to Use Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Simple & Straightforward

Net Promoter software is simple and user-friendly. With the right tools, Net Promoter Score surveys are easy to understand for the responder, and require just a few minutes to complete. Internally, results are calculated using a straightforward formula. Customers are categorized as promoters, detractors, or passives, eliminating the need for complex analytics.

Universal Relevance

An NPS score is an essential KPI because it offers valuable insights for everyone, from top executives to frontline workers. By integrating NPS questions across the customer journey, businesses can examine each stage of the customer experience and make adjustments at key touchpoints to foster improvement and success.

Continuous Improvement

NPS highlights specific areas needing attention, enabling businesses to prioritize initiatives that will have the greatest impact on customer experience. By pinpointing exactly where customer satisfaction is lacking, companies can direct their efforts and resources more effectively, ensuring targeted improvements that enhance overall customer loyalty and drive better business outcomes.

Predicting Business Growth

By measuring repeat business potential and long-term customer loyalty, Net Promoter Score software offers accurate forecasts for business growth and cash flow. This tool helps evaluate brand value and customer satisfaction, delivering essential insights for strategic planning and future performance prediction.


NPS is a standardized metric used across many industries, allowing for effective benchmarking. Comparing NPS scores with industry peers helps identify strengths and areas for improvement. This process guides strategic planning, sets realistic goals, and fosters continuous improvement.

Measure the Impact of Changes

NPS’s simple structure allows for consistent tracking over time. Businesses can regularly monitor their NPS to identify trends and changes in customer sentiment. This consistency provides a clear view of customer loyalty and satisfaction, making it easier to measure the impact of any improvements or changes made within the company.

NPS Best Practices

Increase Personalization

Personalizing NPS surveys boosts response rates by making customers feel valued. Customize branding for a seamless experience and choose a NPS software with AI to tailor follow-up questions, addressing vague feedback. This approach encourages detailed insights, showing customers their opinions matter and fostering higher engagement.

Gather Feedback Throughout the Customer Journey

Collecting feedback across the entire customer journey provides comprehensive insights into the customer experience. By gathering input at every touchpoint, businesses can identify strengths and weaknesses at each stage, from initial contact to post-purchase. This holistic approach enables companies to make informed improvements, enhance customer satisfaction, and build stronger relationships, ultimately driving loyalty and growth.

Choose the Right Channels

Choosing the right channels for NPS feedback is crucial. Meet your customers where they’re most comfortable, such as email, support tickets, in-app surveys, SMS, or social media. Using multiple devices and platforms can boost response rates and feedback accuracy, helping you gain valuable insights to enhance your services and products.

Act on Feedback Promptly

Acting on feedback quickly is crucial for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Implementing real-time alerts for negative responses ensures your team can address issues promptly, demonstrating to customers that their concerns are taken seriously. This immediate response not only helps resolve problems swiftly but also shows your commitment to continuous improvement and customer care, fostering stronger relationships and enhancing overall customer experience.

Increase Transparency

Effective NPS management involves sharing results across teams to nurture a customer-centric mindset and drive improvements. Posting responses in Slack provides real-time feedback to all relevant teams, ensuring everyone is aware of customer sentiments and pain points. This visibility promotes teamwork, rapid issue resolution, and a cohesive effort to enhance the overall customer experience.

Close the Loop

Closing the loop is crucial for effective NPS management. After gathering feedback, reach out to respondents to thank them and communicate any improvements made as a result of their input. This demonstrates that customer opinions are valued and directly impact business decisions. Such transparency not only boosts customer satisfaction but also builds trust and loyalty, as customers see tangible changes based on their feedback.

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