Streaming Showdown: Unpacking Australia's Free TV Apps Through the Lens of App Store Reviews

In the digital age, the quest for the perfect TV streaming experience is more vibrant than ever. With a plethora of choices just a click away, Australians are spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting their ideal streaming companion. But how do we sift through the noise to find the best service? The answer lies in the collective wisdom of users, particularly through the valuable insights found in App Store reviews.

We're honing in on some of Australia's preferred streaming contenders – 7Plus, 10 Play, 9 Now, ABC iview, and SBS on Demand. These platforms offer a diverse range of viewing experiences, from local content to international blockbusters and everything in between. But we're not just skimming the surface; we're delving into the nitty-gritty of what users genuinely think about these services. Their feedback, whether it's praise or criticism, provides a roadmap to navigating the streaming landscape.

So, sit back, relax, and let us navigate through the user-driven world of streaming apps. Get ready to discover not just what each platform offers but how they truly stand up to the test of real-world use, as told by their viewers.

Introducing the contenders

1. 7Plus: A go-to for Australian viewers, 7Plus offers a range of content from Channel 7's lineup, including popular shows, live sports, and news. User reviews often highlight its comprehensive local content, though some mention glitches with the streaming experience.

2. 10 Play: This app brings Network 10's best to your screen, featuring beloved shows, live TV, and exclusive extras. Reviewers appreciate the content variety but sometimes point out issues with app navigation and ad placement.

3. 9 Now: Channel 9's streaming service offers an extensive library of TV shows, live events, and news. Users commend its content selection but occasionally criticize the video quality and ad frequency.

4. ABC iview: A standout for Australian public broadcasting content, ABC iview presents a wide array of genres. Positive reviews often cite its user-friendly interface and diverse program range, though some users want more HD content.

5. SBS on Demand: Celebrated for its multicultural and international content, SBS on Demand offers unique films, documentaries, and series. While praised for its content diversity, some users find the app's navigation and streaming consistency could improve.

What do viewers care about?

When selecting a TV streaming app, users have clear priorities that influence their choices. Analysis of 5,365 App Store reviews reveals the top five aspects users care about while navigating Australia's streaming landscape:

Content Quality: Users are vocal about the quality of the content a streaming service offers. This includes the range of genres, the presence of high-quality originals, the mix of local and international content, and the overall satisfaction with the viewing options available.

App Performance & Reliability: Stability is key in the streaming world. Viewers highlight the importance of consistent performance, noting experiences with app crashes, buffering issues, and overall reliability. A smooth, uninterrupted viewing experience is highly prized among users.

Ad Experience: For services that include ads, the nature and frequency of these interruptions are a common point of discussion. Users express their preferences for minimal and non-intrusive ads, and how the ad experience impacts their overall enjoyment of the service.

Features & Functionality: Users appreciate apps that offer more than just streaming. This includes functionalities like download options for offline viewing, multiple user profiles, and effective search and recommendation engines. Innovative features that enhance the viewing experience often receive positive feedback.

UI/UX: The user interface and user experience design play a crucial role in user satisfaction. Reviews often mention how easy or difficult it is to navigate the app, find new content, and manage user settings. A clean, intuitive, and user-friendly interface is a significant plus for any app.

Keeping Score

The scoring system used to evaluate the TV streaming apps is based on user sentiment across five key categories mentioned above. For each category, the app that received the highest percentage of positive sentiment from users is awarded 5 points, reflecting its top position in user satisfaction. The app with the second-highest positive sentiment receives 4 points, and this pattern continues, with the remaining apps receiving 3, 2, and 1 points respectively, based on their rank in positive sentiment. This scoring method allows us to quantitatively compare the apps across different aspects of user experience, highlighting which apps excel and which have room for improvement in specific areas according to user feedback.

Content Quality Insights

Winner: 7Plus by a tiny margin!

When diving into the realm of TV streaming apps, the quality of content stands out as a pivotal factor influencing user satisfaction. App Store reviews offer a treasure trove of insights, and a closer look at the sentiment towards content quality across various platforms reveals intriguing patterns:

  • 7Plus: With an impressive 78% of comments expressing positive sentiment, it's clear that viewers appreciate the content variety and quality on 7Plus. Users seem to enjoy the mix of local shows, international hits, and exclusive content available on the platform.
  • 10 Play: Garnering positive feedback from 61% of users, 10 Play has a solid standing, though there's room for improvement. Viewers commend the platform for its selection, but some suggest a desire for a broader or more updated content library.
  • 9 Now: 66% positive sentiment reflects a generally favorable reception to 9 Now's content quality. Users acknowledge the platform's effort to provide engaging and diverse programming, pointing to a satisfactory viewing experience.
  • ABC iview: At 50%, ABC iview shows room for growth in meeting viewer expectations for content quality. While half of the users appreciate the content, others might be looking for more variety or newer offerings.
  • SBS on Demand: With a 75% positive sentiment, SBS on Demand stands out for its content quality. Viewers praise the diverse and culturally rich programming, highlighting the platform's strength in delivering engaging content that resonates with a broad audience.

App Performance & Reliability Insights

Winner: 7Plus

App performance and reliability are crucial for a seamless streaming experience. App Store reviews shed light on how users perceive the performance and stability of various TV streaming apps. Here's what the sentiment analysis reveals about the percentage of positive feedback on these aspects:

  • 7Plus: Leading the pack with 15% positive sentiment, 7Plus is viewed relatively more favorably in terms of performance and reliability compared to its peers. However, the number indicates there's significant room for improvement, as users expect a smoother experience.
  • 10 Play: With only 5% of comments reflecting positive sentiment, 10 Play faces challenges in meeting user expectations for app performance and reliability. This suggests users encounter issues that could range from slow loading times to app crashes.
  • 9 Now: Garnering 7% positive sentiment, 9 Now also struggles in this area. Users likely experience inconsistencies with streaming quality or app stability, impacting their overall satisfaction.
  • ABC iview: With the lowest positive sentiment at 4%, ABC iview's users seem to be the most vocal about their struggles with app performance and reliability. This indicates a critical area where ABC iview needs to focus its improvement efforts.
  • SBS on Demand: At 8% positive sentiment, SBS on Demand is somewhat better perceived than some of its competitors but still has a long way to go. Users are pointing out issues that detract from an otherwise enjoyable content experience.

Ad Experience Insights

Winner: ABC iView

Advertisements are a common feature in many streaming platforms, but how they're integrated can greatly affect user satisfaction. Let's delve into what App Store reviews reveal about users' positive sentiments towards the ad experience on various Australian TV streaming services:

  • 7Plus: With 6% positive sentiment, it's clear that a majority of users find the ad experience on 7Plus less than ideal. The feedback suggests that there might be too many ads or that they're disruptively placed, detracting from the viewing experience.
  • 10 Play: Similarly, 10 Play also sees 6% positive sentiment regarding ads. Users likely share similar frustrations, possibly regarding the frequency or intrusiveness of advertisements during their favorite shows.
  • 9 Now: The lowest in this category, 9 Now has only 3% positive sentiment about its ad experience. This indicates significant user dissatisfaction, pointing to a need for a more balanced approach to advertising.
  • ABC iview: Standing out with a 50% positive sentiment, ABC iview appears to have a significantly better ad experience compared to its counterparts. This could mean fewer ads, better placement, or more relevant content, which resonates well with its audience.
  • SBS on Demand: At 10% positive sentiment, SBS on Demand is doing somewhat better than most of its peers but still faces challenges. The slightly higher percentage suggests some users find the ad experience manageable or less intrusive.

Features & Functionality Insights

Winner: 7 Plus

In the world of streaming, the features and functionality that an app offers can significantly enhance the user experience. From download options for offline viewing to the ease of content discovery, let's see how users rate these aspects across various Australian TV streaming platforms:

  • 7Plus: Standing out with a 33% positive sentiment, 7Plus leads in this category, indicating that a good portion of users are satisfied with its features and functionality. This suggests that 7Plus offers a user-friendly experience with features that resonate well with its audience.
  • 10 Play: With a 13% positive sentiment, 10 Play has room for improvement in this area. Users might be seeking more from the app in terms of innovative features or a more seamless user experience.
  • 9 Now: At 21%, 9 Now is performing moderately in terms of features and functionality. This indicates that while some users appreciate what the app offers, there's a notable percentage looking for enhancements or additional features.
  • ABC iview: With only an 8% positive sentiment, ABC iview users seem to be less impressed with its features and functionality. This low percentage points to a need for the platform to innovate and better align with user expectations.
  • SBS on Demand: Matching ABC iview, SBS on Demand also has an 8% positive sentiment in this category. Like ABC iview, it suggests that users feel the platform could offer more in terms of features that enhance the viewing experience.

User Interface & Experience Insights

Winner: 7 Plus

The user interface (UI) and overall user experience (UX) are fundamental to how viewers interact with streaming apps. These elements can significantly influence user satisfaction, as they dictate how easily users can navigate, discover new content, and manage their viewing preferences. Here's a breakdown of how users perceive the UI and UX of various Australian streaming platforms:

  • 7Plus: With a positive sentiment of 49%, 7Plus leads the way in user interface and experience. Nearly half of the users feel satisfied with how the app is designed and functions, indicating that 7Plus offers an intuitive and user-friendly environment that resonates well with its audience.
  • 10 Play: At 11% positive sentiment, 10 Play has considerable room for improvement. The low percentage suggests that users find the app's interface and experience lacking, possibly due to difficulties in navigation or content discovery.
  • 9 Now: With 26% positive sentiment, 9 Now is in the middle of the pack. While some users are satisfied with the app's UI and UX, there's a clear indication that enhancements could elevate the user experience.
  • ABC iview: Holding 17% positive sentiment, ABC iview shows that while some users appreciate the interface and experience, a significant number find it could be better. Addressing user feedback in this area could help improve satisfaction.
  • SBS on Demand: At 14% positive sentiment, SBS on Demand also faces challenges in UI and UX. Users may be finding the app less intuitive or harder to navigate, pointing to a need for a more user-centric design approach.


In wrapping up our journey through the landscape of Australia's favorite TV streaming apps, our exploration, grounded in the collective voice of App Store reviews, paints a vivid picture of user preferences and experiences. The apps—7Plus, 10 Play, 9 Now, ABC iview, and SBS on Demand—have been scrutinized across five critical dimensions: UI/UX, Features & Functionality, Ad Experience, App Performance & Reliability, and Content Quality.

Final Scoreboard

7Plus emerges as a notable frontrunner, clinching the top spot in three categories: UI/UX, Features & Functionality, and Content Quality, demonstrating its strong alignment with user expectations and preferences. It's clear that 7Plus not only offers content that resonates with viewers but also provides a user-friendly experience bolstered by reliable performance and engaging features.

ABC iview, while excelling in Ad Experience, indicates areas for enhancement, particularly in App Performance & Reliability and Content Quality, suggesting that while its ad integration is appreciated, there's a thirst for higher content standards and a more robust app infrastructure.

The other contenders, 10 Play, 9 Now, and SBS on Demand, each have their strengths and opportunities, reflecting the diverse demands and tastes of Australian streaming app users. Their varied performances across different categories highlight the competitive nature of the streaming space and the critical need for ongoing improvements and innovations to meet evolving user expectations.

As we close this chapter, it's evident that the streaming app industry in Australia is fiercely competitive, with each platform offering unique advantages and facing distinct challenges. For users, the choice of platform may ultimately hinge on which aspects—be it content, functionality, user experience, or reliability—they value most. For the streaming services themselves, the insights gleaned from user feedback offer invaluable guidance on where to focus their efforts to not only retain their audience but to grow and thrive in this dynamic market.

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